Saturday, February 28, 2009

The story of the Wise Old Man

The Wise Old Man is known by his true name as Melvyn. When he was a young man, he was called Melly. He signs his name as *HaoJie*. He is a retired adventurer who has recently settled down in his house in SiewMai Village, opposite LorMee Bank. During his younger days, Melvyn was a famed hero, saving countless lives and fighting back the dark forces of Suganthiran.

Melvyn, after years of adventuring the World, has settled down in SiewMai Village, where he initially lacked funds to purchase a decent house. However, after single-handedly masterminding the LorMee Bank robbery, Melvyn's intentions and values are the subject of much speculation. The Wise Old Man was born in Sotong Village many years ago. During his time there, he performed numerous deeds that were considered heroic by the youth of the time. According to legend, one of his more memorable actions was painting of himself on the wall of the SoonKueh Temple in the southern part of the town. When he turned 15, the age at which children of that time advanced to adulthood, he turned down a prestigious offer to study amongst the monks of BengKueh and decided to travel the world before settling down.

He spent many years travelling Kopi'O, visiting many lands and performing countless memorable actions. One of the first areas he visited was the mines outside of Teh'O, where some of the oldest dwarves still remember his aid in their war against a rogue tribe of trolls that threatened to destroy the city. Shortly after leaving the dwarves, he travelled into the eastern mountains, where a now-disbanded mountain tribe told of an invincible warrior who wielded a powerful staff, which later became a walking stick for the old man. Some time after leaving the mountain tribes he traveled to OngKueh, where he taught the natives of certain herbs that would aid them in combat. He also ventured into AngGuKueh Dungeon, which few people at the time dared to enter. Afterwards, he advised the locals to charge any adventurer who wished to enter the dungeon.

The Wise Old Man kills an intoxicated Dwarf, presumably for pestering him and offering him unwanted food.He later travelled into the LorMaiKai Desert, where he lived amongst the MeeHoonKueh people for some time. He travelled to many of the desert cities, including CharSiew and DaoSar. He also studied the mysterious pyramid to the south of the KuehBeng Camp. He would never speak about what he discovered in the pyramid, and it troubles him to this day. The Wise Old Man is known to have fought the LiuLian Queen in that time. In one adventure, he rescued his peasant from an avalanche.
After countless adventures, Melvyn travelled back to BengKueh to complete his studies. Even on BengKueh he found excitement, when he ventured into the demon-infested dungeon beneath it. At one point, he was offered admittance to the Temple Knights. Only many years later, after many more adventures, did he finally retire and settle down in SiewMai Village. After completing his adventures, he began to feel bitter that he had not been adequately "rewarded" for his deeds, as he was forced to live in relative squalor. He thought that it was within his right, therefore, to reward himself, and uses this justification for his crimes. His most notorious act was the robbing of the local bank, killing several people in the process. One of these unfortunate victims, a tomboy named Goldilocks, dropped a bowl of porridge. His telescope, which pointed to the bank prior to the robbery, is currently pointing towards the BockGua Tower. In the SiewMai Times, the Wise Old Man confirms, after defending his morally dubious recent actions, that he is indeed planning an assault there, despite his denials to the paparazzi, and that the reason for doing so is that he is "short of brain juice these days" and that an excursion to the Tower could " solve my problem permanently." Yet, the Wise Old Man, despite all his power and skill, also admits he is reluctant to launch the attack, for
his plans are " not yet finalized."

The Temple Knights, realizing how dangerous he is, are currently monitoring him, and have labelled him as an ultraviolet archangel threat. The LorMee Bank , the guards of SiewMai Village, and many of the locals are also monitoring him closely, though he does not seem to be worried about this. Despite this and obvious proof of his crimes, the authorities of YeungGakDau have, as of yet, made no attempt to bring him to justice.

The Wise Old Man has a few unique books on his bookshelf which guests can read. One, the book on chickens, is about the legend of the Evil chicken, while the strange book has personal notes which mention that he is running out of cash. He also has numerous tinderboxes in his house. His house also includes a model aeroplane and unique, gold-trimmed plastic armour, which, according to the strange Book, he had trimmed with some of his stolen money.

Despite his bitterness, Melvyn in old age still does enjoy the occasional trip to foreign lands. He has travelled far and wide. He's recently visited areas such as the Otah Mountain. The only happy moments which he had was the many adventures that he had.


Pearlyn said...

haha maybe his motive for writting's for us to de-stress and it can be counted partly lit, instead of the history of tea,this is the history of hokkien or chinese,what with "teh o" "char-siew" and all lol nice job comedian:)

Anonymous said...

Haha.. Suganthiran!! I laughed so hard at the introduction bit. This is like the back story to Melvyn's life. Bravo! Melvyn Loh Hao Jie, you rock! :)

Samantha said...

Reading your story made me extremely hungry. But it was a good read nevertheless B-)

Jacintha said...

Oh my lord, I laughed so hard at the Suganthiran parts and the names of the places. You have outdone yourself, Wise Old Man! ;)

Alexander said...

.........your "wisdom" is,unfortunately,infectious..........

Will said...

Very imaginative indeed. What is life but to dream? The Wise Old Man is living in his dreamland and we shall let him dream. Carpediem!

Hidetoshi Nakamura